Panda: Complete Arcade Mode with seventeen characters, then press Circle or X when selecting Kuma.
True Ogre: Complete Arcade Mode with nine characters, or start 500 matches.
Ogre: Complete Arcade Mode with eight characters, or start 450 matches.
Heihachi Mishima: Complete Arcade Mode with seven characters, or start 400 matches.
Bryan Fury: Complete Arcade Mode with six characters, or start 350 matches.
Anna Williams: Complete Arcade Mode with five characters, or start 300 matches.
Mokujin: Complete Arcade Mode with four characters, or start 250 matches.
Gun Jack: Complete Arcade Mode with three characters, or start 200 matches.
Julia Chang: Complete Arcade Mode with two characters, or start 150 matches.
Kuma: Complete Arcade Mode once, or start 100 matches.
Several characters, costumes and modes in the PlayStation version of Tekken 3 are initially inaccessible and must first be unlocked before they become available.